06 Mac 2009


Kepada semua pembicara berintelektual sekalian, suka saya disini sebagai salah seorang penulis blog rasmi kelab DEMI untuk menyeru semua entiti didalam kelab DEMI untuk menyokong program "UMT Band White Coffin".

Kini tiba masanya untuk kita mempraktikkan frasa "Intelektual" didalam nama Kelab kita supaya "keintelektualan" itu jelas dan dapat dilihat oleh orang disekeliling kita. Saya yakin dan percaya,hampir semua ahli kelab DEMI merupakan mahasiswa yang peka kepada isu-isu semasa dan saya pasti majoriti kita semua tahu akan kesan "white coffin" kepada kesihatan diri kita dan kelestarian alam sekitar yang tercinta.

Dalam kepayahan dan keringat yang membasahi tubuh kita tatkala memperjuangkan dan menegakkan pendirian didalam pertandingan Debat Alam Sekitar IPT Malaysia, yang mana pertandingan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran kepada pendebat-pendebat dan golongan yang terlibat tentang peri pentingnya menjaga alam sekitar, tetapi kita terus lalai menggunakan "alat" pencemar yang kita sendiri tidak sedar akan ancaman yang bakal kita perolehi dimasa depan.

Siapa penganjur atau apa alternatif yang diberikan penganjur kepada kita untuk menggantikan "white coffin" bukan menjadi persoalan. Yang penting, samada kita ingin berubah dan melakukan anjakan paradigma ataupun tidak. Andaikata kita bertekad untuk menjaga alam sekitar, saya yakin kita akan berusaha untuk mereliasasikan tekad tersebut.

Saya terpanggil untuk menulis artikel ringkas ini adalah untuk memastikan ahli kelab DEMI menjadi bukan ahli Kelab penganjur yang pertama menyokong UMT BAND WHITE COFFIN. Ia sebenarnya penting, supaya mahasiswa lain dan masyarakat diluar sana sedar, kita bukan hanya petah berkata-kata tetapi kita juga lincah mengimplementasikan langkah dan cara untuk mencapai sesuatu perkara.

Alam Sekitar Tanggungjawab bersama,

Ikhlas daripada,
Aliashim Albani
Future Environmentalist

9 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

It's good to see that UMT has finally catch up with the white coffin movement that was initiated by USM last year (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/1/8/nation/19939647&sec=nation). When I first read the article, I've always thought that UMT would take notice, and I'm glad this has been realized.

However, much work is needed to be done as like Ali said, it is the attitude, willingness and self-initiative that one must have to make a change. To somewhat declare war on the use of styrofoam isn't effective as the bigger picture should getting people to have a better concept of sustainable practices. If we were to alternate the use of containers, then on what criteria can we say that bio-degradable containers or hard plastic containers would help in saving the environment.

Other than the container, this leads to my next point, the power of the consumer. I recently had a discussion with someone about this topic and in my opinion, consumers buying in Giant hypermarket in Kuala Terengganu do not seem to be aware of the fact that there is a reusable & 'environmental friendly' grocery bag that they can use to place in their groceries. Although the producers (in this case, Giant) knew that a method that would help the environment, it is not effective to get the consumers be aware. Wouldn't it be better to have the bags be placed at every cashier counter rather than somewhere in the middle of the hypermart? Same applies to the use of styrofoam, if the producers know their consumers can use other "non-styrofoam" containers, why not encourage their consumers to do so?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

ali, i think this campaign will b more efficient if u guys actually give free containers or even sell it(plz make it cheap)... imean, give out the alternative rather than using polystyrene..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

I'm very disappointed to see the results of the poll. It just goes to show how selfish Malaysians can be to be environmentally friendly despite the education and awareness that has been given. Either that, or the ones who opt for NO lack the common sense to protect the environment.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Come on people, people should answer the obvious answer, which is to have your own container. Aiyaa... :P

Tanpa Nama berkata...

haha.. luks like umt r not used 2 eat megi if they didnt hv container which is totally a lie cuz what i see is umt's usually buy packets of megi... duh.. if u got container 2 cook megi why not 2 buy nasi?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

umt refers 2 da student btw..:)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Well it's easy to assume that, but ya have to remember that students eat their maggi noodles in their own bowls rather than containers. Although it's easy to assume the percentage of students who just couldn't be bothered to wash their containers and opt for the choice that is their easy-way-out (which is to eat in the styrofoam containers).

Tanpa Nama berkata...

betul tu Wani...
Dgr Khabar, ENTECH akan buat BUMI HIJAU siri 2. Maybe mrk akan perkenalkan alternatif utk gantikan white coffin...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

how effective would the alternative for the polystyrene be, Ali?